Basic Service Worker template

This is a basic service worker template that works with all browser. This was built to enable service worker in iOS 9 on iPad Mini

Redux on Web Components using lit-element and no compilation (ESM)

Redux is independent of React and babel. They are not required to build an app. Quickly build an app, cut down all compitation time and publish it directly. Folder Structure index.html assets/ ├─ js/ …

Web Components HTML template with Lit Element

I was looking on web for a basic HTML template and could'nt find one so here is a basic HTML index file template to quickly get started with web components

Core Architecture Approach for SPA

Regardless of framework, the design of a SPA should follow common grounds for dealing with performance as ultimately all framework has to adhere to the basic rendering mechanism of HTML CSS and JavaS…

How to use custom babel config for jest?

For Scenario where jest setup is not present in current React Project and you want to use a babel config unrelated to current setup, you can do the following setup. jest.config.js module . exports = { …

How to setup StoryBook for React, Vue and Angular

Storybook is an excellent starting point to deliver a consistent design system for your project. It is available for most frameworks. Here we are covering three major JS frameworks. If you are starti…